Nadi Shuddhi Vyayama

His Holiness Sri Swamiji has structured the exercises in a manner to not only for the elite, elderly, youth, children but also to those who work under pressure. All exercises can be performed with ease in a short time and good results can be obtained. Normal exercises done in Gyms or otherwise will be beneficial as long as they are practiced,and the moment they are stopped, one tends to gain weight, and joint pains recur. But, these exercises wont have such side effects, when practised under the experience yoga teacher.

People practicing Nadi suddhi exercises should know ‘What Nadi is? ’ How do they function?’ ’How Nadis get polluted ? ‘ ‘what is meant by cleansing of nadi ?’ etc.

The word Nadi is derived from the Sanskrit word Nad,means flowing . As per “Bhoota Shuddhi Tantra” there are 72000 Nadis pervading the body. The nadis are subtle channels and pranic energy flows through them throughout the body. Kundalini energy flows in the form prana in the Nadis and radiates electro magnetic energy. The prana flowing through the Nadis energizes the body. The nadis in course of time gradually get blockages due to pollutants. The body slowly weakens and person gets diseases. The reasons for the pollution of nadis are as follows : due to flaws in learning the sastras, polluted food and water, association with bad people , un hyglenic place of living, irregular time for practice, influence of occupation , the place of birth, the ill conceived notions in meditation and spiritual practice, lack of cleanliness. Hence one has to take every care to enable the kundalini energy to flow uninterruptedly and

smoothly through all the nadis. Thus the health could be preserved.