What is Yoga?

Yoga is the word derived from the root word “yuj” which means union. Union of individual consciousness and universal consciousness is yoga.

What is Datta Kriya Yoga?

“Datta Kriya Yoga” deals with guidelines for spiritual evolution of a seeker (Sadhaka). Based on the teachings of Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji of Mysore,India,whosewordsarerearrangedand elucidated upon. Since time immemorial Lord Dattatreya is considered to be the propounder of yoga. Hence the title Datta Kriya Yoga has been appropriately introduced and also to distinguish from the other schools of yoga.

How can I learn Datta Kriya Yoga?

Contact our DKY teachers from the link Teachers & Classes

How to participate in the Teacher training course?

Register by communicating Datta Kriya Yoga International centre

Teachers Training Courses (TTC)

What is Pranayama?

Willful control of breathe is called Pranayama. Pranayama practices will be helpful to improve physical health and tranquility in mind.

What is Asana?

Asana means posture. Various postures were prescribed as per the various ancient scriptures for body cleansing and to control mind.