Yogic concept of food takes into account the total dimension of human existence. Our gross body is formed of atoms and molecules. Apart from the gross body we all possess prana (vital force energy), mind, intellect, emotions and spiritual dimension.

A Balanced diet therefore according to yoga is that diet which restores balance at all these levels. Only such diets can aid Holistic Living. As per ancient scriptures, it is the gross aspect affects our physical body and the subtle aspect of food affects the mind. As such we have the saying, “you are what you eat. Indian Texts such as Sri Bhagavad Gita, Hatha Yoga Pradipika and other yogic references all speak of the importance of food in yoga.

Foods to Eat:

  • Whole grains promote the production of neurotransmitter serotonin that increases your sense of well being.
  • Green, yellow and orange vegetables and fruits are all rich in minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals which boost immune   response  and protect against disease.

Foods to Avoid:

  • Coffee and other caffeinated beverages: If you are currently addicted to coffee, drink black tea; it has less than a third of the caffeine of coffee, and none of the harmful oils.
  • Fried foods and foods rich in fats are immune depressing, especially when stress is doing that as well.
  • Reduce animal foods. High protein foods elevate brain levels of dopamine and nor-epinephrine, both of which are associated with higher levels of anxiety and stress.
  • For better efficiency in body structuring, breathing pattern, managing mental and emotional imbalances one must change from high calorie meat diet to a low calorie vegetarian diet.

There are 3 main food categories:

Mitāhāra :-

Food is to be taken in moderation. This is called Mitāhāra. It involves a balanced diet with the right combination of food, liquid, air and its effect on one’s body and mind. As per yogic authoritative texts, it is recommended to fill Half of the stomach with solid food, remaining one fourth one has to take water, and one should keep last one forth free –>  ½ Solid food + ¼ liquid + ¼ empty.

Other Tips & Points to note:

  • Take food on regular timings.
  • Always take small mouthfuls.
  • Chew well before swallowing.
  • Talk less while eating; think positive thoughts while eating.
  • It is recommended to take water at least 30 minutes prior to meals or 15 minutes after meals and NOT during eating.
  • Stress leads to overeating and other ailments. Yoga practice helps to relieve stress and control eating habits.
  • Do not eat when Sad or angry. Recommended to take bath or at least wash the face and become calm again before eating.
  • Chanting a prayer before meals help to bring positive energy into the food and your thoughts before eating.